Perfect Your Plot:
Common Story Development Mistakes and How to Overcome Them

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Concise and Well-Illustrated
Sean Bellairs

“It was useful to have a clear overview of major areas to check. The video lessons were concise and well-illustrated with examples.” 

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Learn the secrets to hooking readers in seconds. This $9 mini course helps fiction and nonfiction authors to master their blurbs so they can draw in readers and sell more books. The course includes videos, a 50-page workbook, cheat sheets, and more tools.

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Testimonials for my other courses
Lisa Hawes

“This course is simply brilliant! The printables sit conveniently in a binder on my desk to refer to during all phases of the writing process. This course provides the knowledge to save authors hundreds in editing fees. Do we still need editors? Absolutely! However, they won’t have as much work to do to help you make your book the best it can be.”

Sydney Patton

“Stacy’s class has been invaluable! Before I took the course, my editing was disjointed—like throwing all my know-how at a wall and seeing what sticks. I love a good map. The lessons were great, but that checklist! After writing I can get frazzled, and it’s like having my pre-frazzled brain’s plan.”

Makes Editing Simple
Marsha Hinton

“This is a clear, step-by-step editing guide for authors. I’m a checklist person, and this course has been a real boon for me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” 

Short & Insightful
Maegan Fielder

I learned more than expected in such a short period of time. I found the material easy to comprehend and helpful in ways I wasn’t expecting. It has left me eager to go through my current WIP and fix a few issues that were pointed out. Will definitely be recommending this mini-course.” 

Stop sabotaging your storylines and perfect your plot today.
What if you could . . .
Learn what plotting pitfalls to avoid in developing your story? 

Gain insights from an author and editor with over 30 years of industry experience? 

Strike the fine balance between predictability and believability when crafting your plot?

Unlock instant access to:

7 video lessons with closed captions, featuring practical examples and insights inspired by actual editorial letters

Cheat sheet recap so that you can check for plot holes in every manuscript you write

Actionable worksheet that guides you through evaluating your story for plot flaws

Hi, I'm Stacy Juba.

Through my online courses and freelance developmental editing services, I provide practical tools to help writers develop and polish their stories and get organized with their writing career.

I created Perfect Your Plot after noticing that many of the manuscripts I edit tend to suffer from the same plot pitfalls. 

Plot holes and structural issues can sneak up on even the most experienced writers, but most mistakes fall into specific, fixable categories. 

My goal is to help you identify those areas so you can approach your story like an editor would—strengthening your plot from the inside out. 

As both a published author and an editor, I’ve been on both sides of the desk. I’ve reworked many of my own storylines, so I know firsthand the challenges of creating a tight, compelling plot. 

I’m excited to share what I’ve learned to help you make your story the best it can be!

  • Total payment
  • 1xPerfect Your Plot: Common Story Development Mistakes and How to Overcome Them$47

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